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전문자료 네이버 검색결과 NAVER OpenAPI

Analysis of Mobile Payment Service Quality Using PLS Structural Equations Modelling [연구목적]본 연구는 스마트페이 간편
A Comparative Study on the Trend of Apple Pay and Samsung Pay using Digital Big Data Analysis 애플페이가 2023년 한국에 진출
The Impact of User Experience and Use of Mobile Payment Services in China on the Domestic Mobile Payment Market: Focusing on Alipay and
The Impact of User Experience and Use of Mobile Payment Services in China on the Domestic Mobile Payment Market: Focusing on Alipay and
An Empirical Study on the Use Intention of Mobile Payment: Focus on Alipay 오늘날 알리페이는 중국에서 가장 대표적인
A Comparative Study on Performance with Samsung Pay as Apple Pay enters the Korean Market Focus on payment speed - 애플페이가 2023
A Comparative Study on Performance with Samsung Pay as Apple Pay enters the Korean Market Focus on payment speed - 애플페이가 2023
A Theoretical Analysis and System Design Study for Korean Pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) Institutions 본 논문은 최근에 행정부와 국
A Comparative Study on the Trend of Apple Pay and Samsung Pay using Digital Big Data Analysis 애플페이가 2023년 한국에 진출
A Comparative Study on the Trend of Apple Pay and Samsung Pay using Digital Big Data Analysis 애플페이가 2023년 한국에 진출
A Study on the Perceived Value and Use Intention of China Mobile Payment Services : Focused on WeChat Pay 최근 모바일 간편 결
An analysis of factors influencing switching intention toward online platform-based easy payment service with moderating effects of pol
Parliamentary Activities of the Imperial Diet of Yuasa Bonpay, a large landowner in Miryang 유아사 본페이는 1868년 빈고국
Toss Duch pay: Considering the emotions of active users, Duch pay service has become more convenient 더치페이, 서비스 디자
A Comparative Study on Performance with Samsung Pay as Apple Pay enters the Korean Market Focus on payment speed - 애플페이가 2023
A Study on the characteristics of natural light utilization in spaces of Contemporary architecture focusing on the works of Ieoh Ming P
A Comparative Study on Performance with Samsung Pay as Apple Pay enters the Korean Market Focus on payment speed - 애플페이가 2023
목차 간편결제의 법적 구조와 과제 : 제로페이와 삼성페이를 중심으로 / 이숭희 ; 주민석 1 I. 들어가
A Practical Argument for PAYGO Rule: Institutional Design for “Korean” PAYGO System 페이고(PAYGO) 제도는 글로벌 경제위