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Issues and criticism of the “reconstruction of truth” about the Sewol Ferry disaster and past events 이 글은 과거사와 세월
A Review of the Progress and Future Tasks of the Investigation of Past Political Incidents 목차 과거사 진상규명의 점검과
Associations of the Bereaved of Civilian Victims of the Korean War and 'Fact-Finding Movements' Associations of the Bereaved of Civilia
Reporting “The Clarification Commission For Suspicious Death” 목차 의문사진상규명 활동의 한계와 전망 : 1기 의
The legacy of past affairs after the Korean liberation and the significance of settling the past 한국현대사는 첫째, 식민지
A Study on the Truth Revelation of the Female Victims in the 5・18 Uprising - Focusing on Sexual Violence 이 연구는 <5・18민주
A study of Jinging(進貢) Bangmul(方物) Provisions in Yoji Doseo(輿地圖書) 『輿地圖書』는 18세기 英祖때 전국적인
The Achievements and the Limitations of the May 18 Domocratization Movement Special Acts 5・18문제해결의 5대원칙이라 할 수
‘The Civil Massacre Truth Close Special Committee’ was a special committee of the National Assembly established in 1960 to investi
10 Years ago Memories, Suggestions for Newness: Ministry of National Defense’s Truth Searching Committee’s 5·18 Research Activitie
The Offering of New products from Each Region in the Late Joseon Dynasty and Its Ritual Significance: The Relationship Between National
This study examined the actual state of the management of the Jinsang (presenting local products to the king and royal family) system
A Study on State Rituals and Offerings of Black Cows during the Late Joseon Dynasty 조선시대 국가 제사에 사용된 희생으
‘Public Security Incidents’ During the Park Chung Hee Era and the Search for Truth 목차 박정희시대의 '공안사건'들과
제주4.3사건의 진상과 정부보고서의 성과과 한계 제주4·3사건의 진상과 정부보고서의 성과와 한계 목
The Appearance of the Fact-Finding Movement of the Brother Asylum: Focused on the role of intellectual activists for making the movemen
Colonial Liquidation Task: Fact-finding on pro-Japanese and anti-national activities 친일반민족행위에 대한 청산과제는
Yi I's Reform Idea of the Tribute Tax System - It's Influence and Limitation in Choson Korea Yi I (****~****) is known as one of the mo